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AT 510 Irons Reviewed by GRG

Thomas AT-510 Irons

Thomas Golf is located in the golf club manufacturing hub of Carlsbad, California. They produce a complete line of equipment that is available custom assembled from there factory. All Thomas clubs feature a form of the company’s patented, visual alignment system. The AT 510 irons we have been testing are large, hollow cavity that resemble the earlier Thomas Golf AT 505 irons in their basic top line and face style. They are Cast of 17-4 Surgical Stainless Steel for maximum durability, and are polished to a high-gloss mirror finish.

The AT 510’s are attractive irons. The club head has a very clean look and they are solid looking. The fit and finish on the heads is quite good. To start with the Thomas AT 510’s are not for everyone, because of the alignment bar, the topline are made wide. This gives the heads a decidedly larger look some what like a hybrid iron. Such wide toplines can put off low handicap golfers that hit forged blades. Also, the progressive offsets (3mm in the long irons) will be too large for many low-handicappers. Others will find the offset, wide topline, and large head sizes will add reassuring convinces when addressing the golf ball.

At address, the heads set up behind the ball in a way that is uniquely their own. The golden, sweetspot diamond in the center of the face was liked by all. It positioned the ball directly beneath the top, alignment bar. After only a few hits, the distinctive alignment bar was effective in alignment for most of our testers. While the 510’s are obviously forgiving, game-improvement irons, they have a very aggressive air about them alot like there prior model AT 505. These Thomas’s are real blasters. All of our crew have hit them high, strong and long. At impact, the AT 510’s feel firmly solid.

Thomas claims that their alignment systems provide substantial improvement in accuracy. We have, in essence, found this to be true, especially when chipping or hitting long irons. But, we have found that more than improved accuracy, we have experienced improved consistency. The line on top provides a constant reminder to the hitter to check the exact alignment of the face. As Harvey Penick so often said, “Taking DEAD aim is different than just aiming.”

Most testers were hitting there shots much closer to the pin's and found that the alignment bar was not just one of those gimmicks found in some golf products.

We found that most testers mis align there current irons about 5 degrees,and it is possible to reduces this error in half, if you use the alignment aid the way that Thomas suggests on their web site. They recommend that a golfer sight down the target line from behind the ball and then find an intermediate target such as a leaf or tuft of grass that rests just in front of the ball. All aiming should then be done to that nearby marker. Golfers who have the patience and discipline to do this will find immediate improvement in their accuracy with the AT 510’s. When used for chipping on-course, the Thomas’s have been exceedingly accurate. Click here to view the Thomas video:

The trajectories we have gotten have been booming. The Thomas’s AT 510's are long-hitting irons that can produce powerful hits. Unlike some long-hitting irons that get their distances from stronger lofts, the AT 510’s hit high, soaring trajectories. The extremely forgiving nature of their hollow cavity design means that they are well suited to ‘bangers’ and ‘slammers’ – golfers who want to haul off and kill the ball. In fact, these irons seem to prefer hard, aggressive play. Finesse players who prefer a smaller, or thinner, head that allows for more workability will want to look elsewhere. Those who frequently use their long irons from the tee will appreciate these Thomas’s. From a tee, the 3-iron hits with real authority. It is also very easy to aim.

Summary: The Thomas AT 510’s have game improvement qualities that will most definitely be of assistance to many golfers. They are capable of producing an immediate improvement in consistency for some. Distances are better than average and the high trajectories make for good green holding ability. While certainly useable for all handicap levels, the large, forgiving heads will appeal mostly to higher handicapped players and inconsistent mid-handicappers.

A particularly nice option is offered by Thomas. These irons may be bought in eight, seven, six or five iron sets, or number by number with the same price per club as in the set's. If a player uses hybrids or woods instead of long irons, he may order any number iron set or irons from Thomas. We wish that other companies were so thoughtful.

Update Graphite shafted AT 510

Wow! the Thomas's with there popular frequency and flex-matched graphite shaft option has made these irons sing. With a half inch longer shaft length, a slightly lower swingweight and a much reduced overall weight, the graphite Thomas's hit higher and a longer. Shots soared with the steel shafts, but flew like rockets with the graphite for some testers. What is most significant, however, is the improvement in feel. These irons have become sweethearts - fun and easy to hit well - almost effortless. They feel great. . While we respected the Thomas's in steel, we love them in graphite. For those with slow to moderately fast swing speeds, this combination should provide some much needed oomph to their iron game. We've had other irons that have hit as long, but control seems better with the Thomas's. Our patterns have been very good. How much of that is due to the alignment aids, we can't say.

Thomas clubs are available for purchase direct from the manufacturer and may be ordered custom fitted at no extra cost. The heads are also available to clubmakers in component form. For more information, go to ,or a free fitting: